You must first create an Organization to house your data and metadata. The WildTrax team will review your request and confirm your identity after which point you will have the ability to create projects under your newly created Organization and upload media into those projects.
There can only be one Organization for a Project. You must choose who owns that data. This must also be the organization who collects and uploads the data. The owner of the data can then add the collaborating users to their project or organization pending on the level of collaboration.
In your Organization settings, change all locations to the specific buffer you are comfortable with. For each project you wish to share choose “Published – Map + Report” as non-authorized users will not be able to see the media or the un-buffered location this way.
WildTrax uses various permission and privacy levels throughout the system to ensure your data is secure to the level you choose
WildTrax has two basic membership levels : Admin and Read-Only. See below for more details on what each membership level can do
Organizations are the framework of your data on WildTrax. They contain your locations, visits, equipment and summaries of your acoustic recordings and camera data upload to your Projects.
An organization usually contains a collection of people who collect data, publish projects and manage equipment and teams. Administrators can read and write un-buffered locations on all organizational locations, add users to Organizations and Projects. read and write location, visit and equipment metadata and inherit administrator privileges on all organization projects. Read-Only members have read un-buffered on all organizational locations, can read location visit metadata and equipment and can read all organization projects.
Projects are a targeted study or objective to accomplish or learn something using environmental sensor data. Projects are populated using locations, visit and contain a collection of tasks to achieve this work. Project administrators manage projects, assign tasks and users, and publish projects. Read-Only members can view and download data depending on their level of access via the Project Privacy Levels: Active; Test Only – Hidden; Published – Private; Published – Map + Report Only; Published – Public.
Choose Published – Private if you don’t want to receive access requests or Active if you are still working on completing your project.
Locations are a physical location associated with the deployment of an environmental sensor. Locations contain subsequent visit and equipment metadata that were collected on behalf of the organization. Locations can be either hidden, buffered, true location + buffer and true location. This allows for flexibility with specific locations requiring a higher level of privacy.
Tasks are recordings or deployments assigned to a specific user and tagging protocol. Read-Only members can gain privileges to write at the task level in order to perform tagging. Organization or project administrators can also change the tags in the tasks, which is subsequently tracked in the audit table
Recordings (ARUs) / deployments (cameras) are audio files or a series of images corresponding to an ARU / camera deployment.
For each project make sure you choose Published – Private when it is complete. To give someone access to a project, add the user into the Project as a member (this will give access to just the current project + buffered access) or add the user as a member into the Organization (this will give access to all projects + un-buffered access). You can also remove members from the project or Organization or reduce their access at any time.
Test Only
Published – Private
Published – Map + Report Only
Published – Public
Buffer your locations in organization settings. This tells WildTrax this location is already buffered and no one will know the true location because WildTrax was never given that information.
You must add yourself as a project member to see the projects in the default view. You can hit the “View Only My projects” toggle in the top right to see all projects you are eligible to see. WildTrax does this to try to help simplify the amount a user sees at once as it would be overwhelming and most of the time people are only interested in their own projects.
Organization investigators are the ones who receive all access requests. Requests will only go to the administrators of the project/organization if no investigators have been assigned.
Make sure your Organization has an investigator set to handle all of these requests. You can do this in organization settings.
All data uploaded to WildTrax is by default private and only viewable by the project members depending on their level of membership (Admin or Read-Only). Project and organization administrators maintain ownership and privacy rights over uploaded data, regardless of whether the data is private or publicly available. When you upload data to WildTrax, you have the option of releasing your data publicly or not.