ABMI Terrestrial ARU and Camera Protocol (2021)
This protocol outlines step-by-step instructions for deploying and retrieving remote cameras and ARUs in forested, grassland, and wetland areas.
ABMI Remote Camera and ARU Datasheet (2016)
Datasheet to be used when deploying or retrieving a remote camera or ARU using the ABMI’s protocols.
ABMI ARU Setup Video (2016)
Video demonstrating how to set up an ARU in the field.
(Password: ABMI)
ABMI Remote Camera Setup Video (2016)
Video demonstrating how to set up a remote camera in the field.
(Password: ABMI)
Bioacoustic Unit ARU Deployment Protocol (2019)
This protocol outlines step-by-step instructions for deploying ARUs in forested, grassland, and wetland areas.
Bioacoustic Unit Deployment Data Sheet (2019)
Datasheet to be filled out when ARUs are deployed in the field.
Bioacoustic Unit Retrieval Data Sheet (2019)
Datasheet to be filled out when ARUs are picked up from the field or services at the end of the field season or study duration.
Caribou Monitoring Unit Deployment/Service/Retrieval Camera Data Sheet (2019)
Datasheet to be filled out when remote cameras are retrieved from the field at the end of the field season or study duration.
Remote Camera Metadata Standards: Standards for Alberta v2 (RCSC 2023) and supporting documents
The purpose of the Remote Camera Metadata Standards is to provide guidance on the types of data that should be collected and documented when using remote cameras to detect wildlife, alongside the Wildlife Camera Metadata Protocol: Standards for Components of British Columbia’s Biodiversity No. 22 (RISC 2019).
Remote Camera Survey Guidelines v1 (RCSC et al. 2023)
The purpose of the Remote Camera Survey Guidelines is to provide recommendations on study design and implementation (including equipment and deployment recommendations) for novice to advanced users of remote cameras in western Canada in a format aligned with standardized methods for metadata reporting.